Ghosts of the Past
October is Ghost Month!
Today’s comic guest-written by Pete.
↓ Transcript
PANEL ONE: PAC-MAN rushes down a hallway, enthusiastically tossing down dots. A ghost is visible in the background.
PANEL TWO: PAC-MAN is running the other direction, munching happily as he grabs a pair of cherries off the ground. Two more ghosts have joined the chase.
PANEL THREE: The ghosts are closing in. His eagerness building to a frenetic crescendo, PAC-MAN furiously stuffs his sweaty face with more and more dots, pretzels, and assorted fruits.
PANEL FOUR: The ghosts are suddenly gone. Half-chewed dots tumble across the floor as PAC-MAN drops to his knees.
PANEL FIVE:Close on PAC-MAN as he gives in to heaving, snot-spewing despair at the realization that no number of dots could truly fill the void in his ruined soul.
PANEL TWO: PAC-MAN is running the other direction, munching happily as he grabs a pair of cherries off the ground. Two more ghosts have joined the chase.
PANEL THREE: The ghosts are closing in. His eagerness building to a frenetic crescendo, PAC-MAN furiously stuffs his sweaty face with more and more dots, pretzels, and assorted fruits.
PANEL FOUR: The ghosts are suddenly gone. Half-chewed dots tumble across the floor as PAC-MAN drops to his knees.
PANEL FIVE:Close on PAC-MAN as he gives in to heaving, snot-spewing despair at the realization that no number of dots could truly fill the void in his ruined soul.
His friends tried to get his wife to stage an intervention, but she was just as bad.