↓ TranscriptPANEL ONE: Two young people are talking. YOUNG PERSON 1: Y’know what’s gross? Old people sex. YOUNG PERSON 2: Oh man I HATE old people sex. PANEL TWO: Two old people OLD PERSON 1: let’s totally do it OLD[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged sex
Today’s comic guest written by Pete. ↓ TranscriptPANEL ONE: Two old people are conversing in chairs. OLD PERSON ONE: Y’know what really gets my goat? The clothing these young people are wear these days! OLD PERSON TWO: Oh my yes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
↓ TranscriptPANEL ONE: A sexy young hipster guy and a sexy young hipster girl are sitting on a couch being super laid back and chill. The guy is smoking and the girl is on her phone. GUY: I just hate[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Omega Bro
Taking time out of our sabbatical to bring you this all-new, hand-painted comic—and to invite you to visit Jacob this weekend at Seattle’s Emerald City Comicon! Find him at table MM-20 RIGHT NOW! And don’t forget to buy a comic,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…