↓ TranscriptPANEL ONE: A child thinks about what his uncle has just told him. CHILD: …oh, okay. But then where do the STORKS come from? PANEL TWO: The child is sitting next to his uncle, a metalhead. UNCLE: uh… uh…[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged kids
↓ TranscriptPANEL ONE: Three members of the Thunderbutts, a kids’ hockey team, confer rinkside before the big game. THUNDERBUTT 1: So, do you think we can beat the Titans this year? THUNDERBUTT 2: I don’t think we have a prayer![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today’s comic guest written by Pete. ↓ TranscriptPANEL ONE: Two old people are conversing in chairs. OLD PERSON ONE: Y’know what really gets my goat? The clothing these young people are wear these days! OLD PERSON TWO: Oh my yes[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Concept by Pete. ↓ TranscriptPANEL 1: In the illustration style of the late great Dr. Seuss: two small children, home alone on a rainy day, are having a magical adventure with their anthropomorphic cat friend. In the background: an empty[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
As seen on Discovery Channel
Come see Pete at Rose City Comic Con tomorrow—table 766, with NW Geek Alliance. Near the gaming area, NOT Artist Alley. Free sketch if you mention Bigfoot! ↓ TranscriptPANEL ONE: BIGFOOT! and the LOCH NESS MONSTER! With WEAPONS! CAPTION: Tonight! BIG FOOT vs.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…